Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our Worlds Collide - Guma' Mami, Inc. (

June 30, 2012
As part of the Smithsonian Institutions exhibit Between Fences and the local exhibit I KELAT, the Guam Humanities Council offered Reading The Fence Poetry Night.
Along with several other esteemed and published local poets, Guma' Mami Independent Living Mentor Charissa Lynn Aguon, presented the following in memory of Rebecca Lynn San Agustin.
A speeding car crashed into the vehicle that Rebecca was riding in. The speeding car's driver and passengers were part of a large military exercise.

Fences: Our Worlds Collide
By Charissa Aguon
Dedicated to Rebecca Lynn San Agustin
September 17, 1975- May 27, 2012
Public Service Announcement: Fences cannot separate the us from them, the you from me, according to the age old scripture carved into the steely walls of reality. Fences are figments of white imagination. Sooner or later, our worlds collide.
We are closer than the fences would have us believe. Those barbed wired- cold steel partitions trenched deep in poured concrete could not and did not hold back the fury of five flying fish on one warm sun-prince day on the island of cruel actuality, because no man is an island unto himself. When flying fish become landlocked, our worlds collide.
                                    Five fish of fury like bats out of hell,
came flying out from the inside,
came rushing forth like an angry tide.
And there was nowhere for indifference to hide.
Why in such a hurry? Why in such a hurry, those five fish of fury?
For thirsty tongue, a blood suckers deed?
For hungers raging need to feed?
Oh, why did they scurry?
Why did they scurry, those five fish of fury?
Beca-fin did not believe in fences. She was a queen defender of bubble gum dreams, always at the precipice gazing out into the coming storm, looking for the hidden sun prince, hoping for a mermaids tale or a leaping, bopping Moby whale. She didnt believe in those white-washed picketed illusions that tend to draw a certain degree of imaginary separation and false security. For Beca-fin, on a clear sun-prince day, there was no separation. Our worlds collide.
                                    Five fish of fury like bats out of hell,
came flying out from the inside,
came rushing forth like an angry tide.
And there was nowhere for indifference to hide.
Why in such a hurry? Why in such a hurry, those five fish of fury?
For thirsty tongue, a blood suckers deed?
For hungers raging need to feed?
Oh, why did they scurry?
Why did they scurry, those five fish of fury?
Beca-fin did not engage with fences. She was a brave beam of soft light, a fierce fighter of the cruel night. There were no fences to separate her Technicolor dreams from the harsh predictable themes of actuality. Those fences, she knew, were an optical illusion, a grandiose delusion. Our worlds collide.
Five fish of fury like bats out of hell,
came flying out from the inside,
came rushing forth like an angry tide.
And there was nowhere for indifference to hide.
Why in such a hurry? Why in such a hurry, those five fish of fury?
For thirsty tongue, a blood suckers deed?
For hungers raging need to feed?
Oh, why did they scurry?
Why did they scurry, those five fish of fury?
Beca-fin head mistress of sappy 80s love tunes on repeat and pop peek-a-boo princes encountered no fences on her way to find the hidden sun-prince. The storm had passed. It was a clear day. She swims alongside merry mermaids and leaping, bopping Moby whales and I hope that again- one day, our worlds will collide.
Five fish of fury like bats out of hell,
came flying out from the inside,
came rushing forth like an angry tide.
And there was nowhere for indifference to hide.
Why in such a hurry? Why in such a hurry, those five fish of fury?
For thirsty tongue, a blood suckers deed?
For hungers raging need to feed?
Oh, why did they scurry?
Why did they scurry?
We should ask ourselvesthose five fish of fury?

Guma’ Mami programs provide opportunities for individuals to enjoy life, strive to reach their full potential, and be part of Guam’s community.

It is the mission of Guma’ Mami, Inc., to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of adults with intellectual disabilities and other disabilities into their communities through individual and family supports. We provide supportive services in a residential and community setting in order to enable individuals to live as full members of their communities.

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