Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Celebrating Abilities! - Guma' Mami, Inc. (

The focus always seems to be on what individuals can’t do.

Is it so hard to believe that an individual with a disability is able to contribute to his/her family, to his/her community?  Individuals with disabilities are often stigmatized, they are seen as the takers of the community not so much as givers.  This attitude is extremely demoralizing and disempowering.  Guma' Mami believes that everyone can give, everyone can contribute, everyone has strengths!  Guma' Mami believes that many in the community if given the opportunity can and will contribute.  

Throughout the year we celebrate the many accomplishments of individuals.  Some are huge; moving into a home of their own, getting a job, some not so huge like getting an email message that you won a scholarship to a conference in Seattle!  Oops that’s huge, too.  Yes, we have individuals who are frequent flyers, platinum flyers at that!  These are individuals who get invited to conferences, conference funded by organizations who value their input, their contributions.

We find that celebrating is empowering, is morale building, it’s positive.  But, most of all celebrating is fun!

Guma’ Mami programs provide opportunities for individuals to enjoy life, strive to reach their full potential, and be part of Guam’s community.

It is the mission of Guma’ Mami, Inc., to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of adults with intellectual disabilities and other disabilities into their communities through individual and family supports. We provide supportive services in a residential and community setting in order to enable individuals to live as full members of their communities.

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